
Showing posts from October, 2013

Web Design Tips To Improve Usability

increase your conversion rates by improving the usability on your website with these  web design tips. Distinguished usability expert Jacob Nielsen who provides  web design tips  on his site  defines usability as ‘a quality attribute that assesses how easy user interfaces are to use.’ There are certain design practices that promote ease of use and memorability, an excellent retention rate and high end-user satisfaction. Here are five of those common elements designed to increase usability on websites. Web design tips 1 : Intuitive navigation There are certain design principles that every designer will follow irrespective of what company or industry their client is from. One of these is navigation which is a learned behaviour – users want to move from website to website seamlessly and find the information they require very quickly and easily. It is best that users only have to navigate three levels to find the information they require. We...

5 Crowdsourcing Web Design Sites

are crowdsourcing web design sites  what you need for your next web project? here are five popular sites. Crowdsourcing web design sites  are based on a business model where creative agencies can call on the collective talents of the design community to pitch for jobs that a company would normally outsource to a third-party provider. It gives design studios access to a bigger pool of talent at affordable prices but companies are not always privy to a wider range of experience and knowledge. Here are five crowdsourcing sites you can try out. Crowd SPRING CrowdSPRING  is one of the most popular crowdsourcing web design sites for logos and graphic design with an average of 110 entries per project and a community of 114,217 designers. You can choose from 43 design and writing categories. Over 28,500 small businesses trust crowdSPRING with custom logo design, web design and writing services. These include household names Amazon, Starbucks Coffee, LG and Air Zealand...

Web Design Vs Web Development

web design and web development  work hand-in-hand in creating websites – here showing the difference between the two roles. The terms ‘web design’ and ‘web development’ are sometimes used interchangeably but they have separate roles with distinct responsibilities. With smaller design studios or companies, there may be some overlap. Design involves the overall layout, look and feel for websites (front end) and development oversees the site’s functionality (back end). Here’s an overview of both roles to help you decide what you will need for your website project. What does a  web designer do? As aforementioned, a web designer looks after the front end of a website which may include wireframes and usability design, motion and interaction design, graphic and user interface design, animation (Flash and HTML5), video, sound etc. A web designer’s role is also to look after the usability of a website – their role is focused on how a site looks and how well customers inte...