
Showing posts from September, 2014

Animation on page scrolling with HMTL5 and CSS3

How To Use Animate.css In a recent battle with the “Just-add-water CSS Animations” plugin, Animate.css , I was a little distressed to find no documentation on the site. It got to the point where I was flipping through multiple Google searches just looking for something basic. With that in mind, I thought we’d just start the process here to get you started using the Animate.css plugin. Step 1: Download/Upload the plugin This one is pretty simple. Click on the “Download on Github” link on the page, or click this link to visit the animate.css github page . If you know what a .min.css file is, go right ahead and just use that version. If you don’t, click on the animate.css link in the middle of the page to access it’s set of coding. After clicking animate.css you’ll be taken to another GitHub page with options along the top. From here, click Raw. This will load the plugin’s full coding spectrum in basic text format. From here, you can copy and...