Why people focus on the right-hand side of a design
Website users instinctively have greater trust for content on the right-hand side, says UX designer Chris Da Sie. In Western culture, we've always been told to design left to right to help guide users. We read left to right so we should position the most important content and elements in our designs to where a user's eye is going to look first. But let me ask you: by designing this way are users trusting the information you are providing? Are we getting the most interaction out of our users that we possibly can? I would argue no. They are finding information and clicking on links because they have been trained to do so, not because of trust or emotional connections to our products. These days there is a lot of talk about emotional design and how to properly create a connection between users and our products. Focusing on the right-hand side of our designs can create these connections. We have the...