Bootstrap classes with description

Basic Bootstrap Classes


  • sets fixed width to an element (which changes depending on a screen size to other fixed values, so it's still responsive) on all screen sizes except xs - on xs, the width is calculated automatically (this behaviour can be changed)
  • a fixed width responsive website should be wrapped in .container (or just the content without menu, whatever - it's up to you)
  • .container can't be nested!


  • sets 100% width, margin-left and margin-right: auto, padding-left and padding-right: 15px
  • a full screen website should be wrapped in .container-fluid
  • .container-fluid can't be nested!


  • creates horizontal groups of columns (which usually have width classes, see below)
  • must be within .container to ensure correct padding and alignment
  • only columns (block elements with width classes) may be immediate children of rows
  • sets margin-left and margin-right: -15px



  • sets float to either left or right


  • sets clear: both and width: 100%


  • sets margin-left and margin-right to auto

Bootstrap Grid Classes

  • can be nested, the nested columns must be wrapped in .row as well
  • all columns have float: left and position: relative styles













  • sets width of a column (specified in %) on extra small screens (<768pxt)













  • sets width of a column (specified in %) on small screens (≥768px)













  • sets width of a column (specified in %) on medium size screens (≥992px)













  • sets width of a column (specified in %) on large screens (≥1200px)

.col-xs-offset-* (.col-xs-offset-1, .col-xs-offset-2, .col-xs-offset-3 ... up to -12)

.col-sm-offset-* (.col-sm-offset-1, .col-sm-offset-2, .col-sm-offset-3 ... up to -12)

.col-md-offset-* (.col-md-offset-1, .col-md-offset-2, .col-md-offset-3 ... up to -12)

.col-lg-offset-* (.col-lg-offset-1, .col-lg-offset-2, .col-lg-offset-3 ... up to -12)

  • sets offset (margin-left) by specified number of columns (eg. set .col-sm-offset-3 class to a column to move it by three columns on small screens)

.col-xs-pull-* (.col-xs-pull-1, .col-xs-pull-2 ... up to -12)

.col-sm-pull-* (.col-sm-pull-1, .col-sm-pull-2 ... up to -12)

.col-md-pull-* (.col-md-pull-1, .col-md-pull-2 ... up to -12)

.col-lg-pull-* (.col-lg-pull-1, .col-lg-pull-2 ... up to -12)

  • sets left position in % as it is with columns (e.g. left: 75% with -pull-9)

.col-xs-push-* (.col-xs-push-1, .col-xs-push-2 ... up to -12)

.col-sm-push-* (.col-sm-push-1, .col-sm-push-2 ... up to -12)

.col-md-push-* (.col-md-push-1, .col-md-push-2 ... up to -12)

.col-lg-push-* (.col-lg-push-1, .col-lg-push-2 ... up to -12)

  • sets right position in % as it is with columns (e.g. right: 25% with -push-3)

Bootstrap Visibility Classes

  • you can apply all as many of these classes on a single element as you wish and this mixing gives you even more possibilities for your layout


  • obvious, clear: both
  • often combined with classes below

.visible-xs-block and .visible-xs

.visible-sm-block and .visible-sm

.visible-md-block and .visible-md

.visible-lg-block and .visible-lg

  • displays element (sets display: block property) only on screens with specified size and hides it (sets display: none) on screens of other sizes automatically
  • often combined with .clearfix so that clearfix is effective only on the selected screen size






  • displays element (sets display: inline-block property) only on screens with specified size and hides it (sets display: none) on screens of other sizes automatically





  • displays element (sets display: block property) only on screens with specified size and hides it (sets display: none) on screens of other sizes automatically





  • hides element (sets display: none property) only on screens with specified size and hides it (sets display: none) on screens of other sizes automatically


  • displays element (sets display: block) in print (pre)view


  • displays element (sets display: inline) in print (pre)view


  • displays element (sets display: inline-block) in print (pre)view


  • hides element (sets display: none) in print (pre)view

Bootstrap Typography Classes

  • default font-size of <body> a <p> elements is 14px, line-height 1.428; <p> also has margin-bottom of half of its line-height (20px with 14px font), therefore 10px by default
  • all elements like b, big, code, em, i, mark, small, strong, sub, sup, ins, del, s, u, abbr, address and blockquote (and small and cite inside) are properly styled
  • vast majority of these classes are most often set to either paragraph, strong or em elements


  • class for a wrapping div of a heading
  • adds some margin, padding and border-bottom







  • makes an element look like heading of a chosen level


  • for highlighting an element
  • sets element's font-size to 21px, font-weight: 300, line-height: 1.4 and margin-bottom: 20px





  • aligns texts, usually paragraphs, with text-align CSS property


  • keeps the whole text with this class on a single line, no wrapping occurs because of white-space: nowrap CSS property of this class




  • sets text-transform CSS property to make all characters inside the element with this class lowercase, uppercase or capitalized


  • makes text grey


  • makes text blue


  • makes text green


  • makes text dark blue


  • makes text dark yellow


  • makes text red

Bootstrap Lists' Classes


  • removes list-style and margin-left on list items
  • doesn't apply for nested lists (if needed, the nested list has to have .list-unstyled class as well)


  • places list items on a single line (with display: inline-block and padding)


  • class for a definition list (<dl>)
  • sets nice styles for <dt> and <dd> within the definition list (text align, font-weight)


  • class for the parent element (usually <ul>, but can be <div> as well) of list items
  • list items have to have .list-group-item class


  • class for .list-group children elements
  • for a nicer look of the list items
  • usually on <li>, but can be <a> as well


  • for a heading within .list-group-item, often <h4> or similar low-level heading


  • for text within .list-group-item, often in the paragraph tag or just in a span

Bootstrap Tables' Classes


  • for an ordinary table
  • table heading has only border-bottom and <td>s have only border-top


  • every odd line will be darker for a nicer look (using :nth-child selector)
  • table heading <th> has only border-bottom and <td>s have only border-top
  • should be combined with .table class


  • table with borders all around
  • should be combined with .table class


  • class for a table
  • adds hover/focus effect on the table's tbody rows
  • should be combined with .table class


  • should be combined with .table class
  • for an ordinary table with half cell padding, so rows are not that high


  • class for a wrapper (! mostly div) of a table to keep it responsive in the way that scrollbar appears on extra small devices






  • classes for either <tr> or just <td>
  • sets background color for all <td> in a table row (or just one <td>) to grey (active) / green (success) / blue (info) / yellow (warning) / red (danger)

Bootstrap Forms' Classes

  • don't forget that even form elements can be in the Bootstrap grid, so don't be afraid to use .row inside a form and then col-*-* wrappers


  • when creating vertical forms, it's a class for its wrapper (mostly div) of each label and its input, adds some margin-bottom


  • for every form element (input, textarea...), gives it 100% width
  • to make it narrower, use a narrower wrapper (row and col-*-* divs)


  • for a paragraph that replaces a form element (input...)


  • for horizontal forms where label is on the same line as input
  • you have to use column classes (like col-xs-10) for each label and its input (or whateveer it is)
  • still combined with .form-group wrapper and .form-control classes


  • for a single line form (but still vertical on extra small screens)
  • often used with the placeholder attribute to not need labels
  • labels of inline forms should get .sr-only class to be positioned so that they can't be seen (but they won't get display: none or visibility: hidden property)



  • makes a form element like input or select either bigger or smaller than default



  • classes for .input-group (see further)
  • always used together with .input-group class


  • class for a wrapper of .input-group-addon or .input-group-btn
  • used instead of form-group when the classes above are used


  • class for a span that serves as a wrapper for either .glyphicon or a radio/checkbox input
  • adds your choice (glyphicon...) on the inner edge of an input field with grey background
  • the span with this class can be either before or after input, depends where you want the icon to show (the left or right side of the input)
  • must be within .input-group


  • class for a span that serves as a wrapper for a button that looks like it was within a form input
  • the span with this class can be either before or after input, depends where you want the button to show (left or right side of the input)
  • contains <button> (the button can also include .dropdown-toggle class, span with .caret class and data-toggle="dropdown" attribute for even more complicated buttons)
  • must be within .input-group


  • class for an empty span that creates a dropdown arrow


  • class for a span that serves as a help text for users
  • has to be placed right after an input of a form




  • classes for wrapping divs with .form-group class
  • colours the label, input and .help-block span inside to green/yellow/red
  • the label within the wrapper with one of these classes has to have .control-label class to be coloured as well


  • class for the wrapping divs with .form-group class when you also use glyphicon for the input within the wrapper
To disable input, use disabled="disabled" or readonly="readonly",
To disable whole fieldset, wrap form-groups to fieldset with disabled="disabled"

Bootstrap Image Classes

  • images should have .img-responsive or .thumbnail to be responsive and be wrapped in a column wrapper (like col-xs-3...)


  • img class that provides little border-radius


  • img class that provides 50% border-radius making the img circle shaped


  • img class that provides a 1px solid grey border, 4px padding, white background, display: inline-block property and fast CSS3 transition


  • class for a wrapping div (or <a> in case of gallery) of an image, adds some styles (border, padding, background, transition) and set's the image max-width: 100%, height: auto; display: block; and margin-left and margin-right: auto


  • img class that makes any image responsive (scaling to the parent element) as it has max-width: 100% and height: auto
  • may not work if placed in a floating element!


  • class for a div inside .thumbnail element (a or div) that may include h3, p, a (also buttons) for a proper margin/padding


  • class for a div (or li, whatever) that may contain an image, a heading, some <small> text and paragraphs
  • ensures proper image margin/padding
  • heading inside should also have media-heading attribute and should be (together with paragraphs) wrapped in a .media-body wrapper
  • any image within should have .pull-left or .pull-right class to float


  • class for a list (ul, ol) that contains .media inside
  • ensures better margin/padding


  • base class for glyphicons (font-based icons), sets font, its styles and positioning
  • should be used on a span

.glyphicon-* (replace the star with any name of a glyphicon from this list)

  • sets picture via font and :before CSS3 selector with content of the font
  • must be used together with .glyphicon class to show proper image
  • should be used on a span

Bootstrap Embed Classes


  • general class for responsive embedding wrapper



  • specific class for the embed wrapper with ratio already set
  • used together with .embed-responsive class


  • used on the iframe or whatever it is inside the wrapper

Bootstrap Navigation Classes


  • the basic class for every navigation structure (<ul>), removes any list-style, left padding and bottom margin
  • also sets display: block and position relative for its <li> children
  • must be set on every navigation


  • class for a list item (nav item, li) that makes it look active / current


  • class for navigation structure that gives it a tab style (proper borders + float: left)


  • class for navigation structure that gives it a pills style (background on active nav item)


  • makes vertical pills navigation
  • used together with .nav-pills (and .nav of course)


  • class for an
  • nav item to make it dropdown
  • needs additional classes elsewhere to work (see below)


  • class for an <a> which is within <li class="dropdown"> to make a dropdown menu
  • needs additional classes elsewhere to work (see below)


  • class for an <ul> which is within <a class="dropdown-toggle"> to make a dropdown menu
  • provides proper displaying and hiding
  • the most important dropdown menu class
  • needs .dropdown and .dropdown-toggle classes on parent elements (see above)


  • class for an <ul>, together with .nav-tabs or .nav-pills creates a navigation with centered text and links' parent elements of the same width


  • class for <li> in a navigation
  • disables the link inside VISUALLY and also adds a special mouse cursor, but the link remains active - you need to remove the href attribute of the <a> to completely disable the link

Bootstrap Navbar Classes

  • the difference between nav and navbar classes is the fact that navbar can collapse the whole nav (the nav can't do it on its own)


  • basic class for a navigation wrapper (usually <nav>), sets border, bottom margin, min-height and position: relative
  • if it's not supposed to be fixed, can be placed anywhere in .container or .container-fluid


  • sets other basic styles for a navigation wrapper (background gradient and box-shadow) and also its items (including .active class on <li>s)
  • for dark colours, see .navbar-inverse below


  • variation of navbar-default but with dark colours
  • never use navbar-default and navbar-inverse on one element as it doesn't make any sense


  • sets styles for special hyperlinks and other "simple text" in a menu (float: left, bigger font size, some padding, text-shadow...)



  • additional class to .navbar that makes the navigation fixed at the top (or bottom) of the page as you scroll
  • used together with .navbar and also .navbar default (just to keep the nice look)
  • you should add some top or bottom padding to your <body> to not let the navbar overflow your content


  • removes top, right and left border and also border-radius of your navigation


  • class for <ul> that serves as breadcrumbs
  • gives breadcrumbs a cool look


  • class for <ul> that serves as pagination
  • properly styles <li> within this pagination also with .disabled and .active classes (keep in mind that .disabled doesn't remove link's functionality)



  • used on <ul> together with .pagination, makes pagination either bigger or smaller than default


  • used on <ul>, styles "Previous" and "Next" links to look better with a grey border
  • its list items can have .previous, .next and also disabled classes for even better styling



  • used on <li> within <ul class="pager">, adds arrows to the links


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